Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama the Socialist and Fascist

Well, I've been quiet for a while but here is a whole slew of information on the new president (though as I've said before, he will never be my president, my country is my state).

Considering nationalization of banks:

Nazi-istic following of Obama, in which celebs pledge to be servants of Obama:

He doesn't like to be questioned by the media:

He's already surrounded himself with a cloak of secrecy (apart from the fact that the executive order allowing funds to be sent to provide abortion overseas was a Friday night, hope no-one notices, arrangement):,1,6232068.story

No lobbyists? Sounds good, in fact, too good to be true. He will waive the rules for those he wants in:

And about that executive order outlawing torture? Well, on the face it looks like a step in the right direction, but he left a loophole in that he didn't bar the use of such techniques in the future after a study is completed:

If anyone is interested, the Army Field Manual on interrogations is available here:

Read it and note that the techniques in that manual work in the vast majority of cases.

And finally, while some say the media serving the government is a conspiracy theory, here is Tavis Smiley of PBS saying that the media is all "working for obama":

Here is his own words:
Harry Reid, put down the crack pipe. You don't work for Barack Obama? We're all
working for Barack Obama.

And not a week into his presidency and the media began propaganda for a gun ban. I caught CNN pushing for it on TV because of some shooting between violent gang members in Miami. Watch for more to come, the assault on liberty is in full swing. May a state quickly secede and create a free country.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Effects of CIties on the Mind: My Beliefs Proven with Science!

I have long been of the opinion that cities are entirely unhealthy for people. They are unnatural, overcrowded and polluted. Such negatives must inevitably have severe consequences. And they do. Scientists are beginning to discover the consequences:

Now scientists have begun to examine how the city affects the brain, and
results are chastening. Just being in an urban environment, they have found,
impairs our basic mental processes. After spending a few minutes on a
city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and
suffers from
reduced self-control. While it's long been recognized that city
life is
exhausting -- that's why Picasso left Paris -- this new research
suggests that
cities actually dull our thinking, sometimes dramatically so.

Of course, I would prefer the city people stay in the cities, or else everyplace will be crowded.

I think the other things they miss are important: cities breed a culture of dependence wheras rural areas breed a culture of independence. In a city, a person is absolutely dependent upon others for even the basic needs of survival: food, clothing and shelter. It is virtually impossible to be self-sufficient in a city. In rural areas, obviously, one could be entirely self-sufficient if one desired to do so, because you could grow and raise all your own food, supply your own energy (wood, etc.), and even trap furbearers for clothing. Obviously this has major implications for the future of freedom: those in cities, who are not independently minded, favor more controls and governmental involvement in their lives because they believe it necessary for their well-being. Those who are independent of course will not want such interference. This is the reason why Thomas Jefferson favored having a nation of independent farmers: such a society would not want governmental interference and would contribute to keeping the country free. An urban society, however, wants the government controlling more to maintain order. Less freedom therefore. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that this country began the road to significantly less freedom and more government at the same time it became more urbanized. If this country were split along rural/urban lines into two countries, one would see that the rural areas would become the most free country, the urban areas, the least free.