Saturday, December 6, 2008

HS Precision's Unacceptable Response, And a Rule Change in National Parks

HS Precision posted a response on their website to the controversy:

To Our Valued Customers: H-S Precision has received comments relating to
individual testimonials in our 2008 catalog. All of the testimonials focused on
the quality, accuracy and customer service provided by H-S Precision.The
management of H-S Precision did not intend to offend anyone or create any type
of controversy. We are revising our 2009 catalog and removing all product
testimonials. Sincerely, The Management of H-S Precision

This is truly pathetic. It was not that they used endorsements in general, it's a matter of whose endorsement they printed. They printed a murderer's endorsement. A person who murdered in a blatant example of excessive force enforcing an unconstitutional law imposing a $200 tax (which the accused, Randy Weaver, did not actually break, as the jury correctly saw). They refuse to acknowledge that they did anything wrong in using Horiuchi's endorsement. In fact, they have not responded to anyone's emails, letters, or phone calls to them about this. If someone calls them to say anything, they say they'll call back if you leave your number. They don't call back. One person I know has been waiting all week for them to call him back, and they haven't. Perhaps they think they can survive on only federal contracts, they clearly do not care about civilian sales judging from their attitude. So I say to them: the boycott is still on! I hope Remington drops them as a supplier like a rock.

Now for some good news (for a change): the rule prohibiting the carrying of loaded firearms in National Parks has been changed, effective in 30 days. Concealed carry of firearms, in accordance with state laws, will be allowed. However a warning: the federal law prohibiting carrying of firearms into federal-owned buildings is still in effect so don't take a gun inside any federal owned building in a National Park until we can get that eliminated. Unfortunately open carry will not be allowed at this point, making it somewhat impractical to carry a long gun (though not impossible), but it's a big leap in the right direction. Here is a PDF file containing the new rules and some other information pertaining to it:

1 comment:

carlyjj said...

Hey, there is a broken link in this article, under the anchor text -

Here is the working link so you can replace it -